Thursday, December 24, 2009

Baby it's cold outside

Ran outside for the first time in December. was a little upset I misread the schedule and I skipped Tuesday thinking I'd push on Wednesday. Well, fitness room was closed Wednesday and I spent the afternoon in a bar. Whoops.

I ran today, mid 30s, not awful. Ran my mile route, three times around the block.

1. It's harder running in the cold, but I stayed hydrated more.
2. It's harder running outside than a treadmill, I think because...
3. My stride is WAY longer outside. I was running "slow" and was about a 8-10 minute mile (I meant to hit lap on my phone and hit stop, so didn't time myself the entire way, but it was 2:32 the first lap)

No wonder a mile and some inside seems "easy" at 12 or even 10 minutes,  but outside tougher.

Well, glad I ran, had to push a bit but then of course "instantly" recovered. Need to find out how to work that to my advantage.

PS on the tread mill I kept moving for 3.1. I won't say the time, with two walking breaks, because it was embarrassing.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Well hello again.

Ok, been a while. Generally nothing to note. I joined a gym I am running most days at lunch (plus some core lame weights stuff.

I am still not happy where I am.

But I am getting better.

Today for the first time in 17 years I ran 2 miles. Actually I felt so good I ran 2.25.  Yes, it was a pathetic 12 minute pace.

Still I am recovering fast, even for me. I walk a 1/10th mile, about 4-5 minutes, and I feel ready to go. In fact that is when I push for speed. I do a quarter mile at a 7 minute pace, then another rest and another 7 minute pace 1/4 mile.

And then after I shower I feel ok again. Not tip top but like I could go back. In the morning I feel 100%.

Not sure if i should be pushing myself more, but at the same time the only person to push me is me and I am pretty good at rationalizing. "oh this is three days in a row" and "well you did do something you never did before" and "yeah, but you were feeling sick 4 weeks ago, maybe that is hanging on."

What I'd love is a partner about my level who can say, "ok, sure, quit Mosey, just stay fat and lazy."  Or at least a goal (run X by Y, etc).

Right now, I am doing that myself.

I also ran a nice 8:30 mile the other day. Maybe Monday I will try for 8 flat. I am mixing my meats some days going for speed on the mile and others pushing distance. I know I'll get sucked into a 5k at some point in the new year and I really don't want ot be an embarrassing 30:00 pace (not that I could do that, now).