Saturday, October 31, 2009


I hadn't for three days. Cold windy, felt like crap, underperformed, over tired and didn't do as much as I wanted.

But I ran.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Random assed update.

Don't worry I have been running. My rule is no more than one night off. So for example I didn't want to run last night, but I know I won't tonight (Boys Club!) so I forced myself to.

Falling into a pattern and trying to push a little further each time. "turn the corner one more half block." or "four sets instead of three."  Since there aren't any monumental changes I'm not updating on sore parts every day. It all feels pretty good.

Hoping to do an honest to God mile without stopping in a couple week (untimed).

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fail... not so fail...

Last night I was going to "race." Since the around-the-block track is my usual tour, I decided to treat it like a race day. One race, as fast as I can. Warmed up, short sprints, get amped a bit.

Take off fast, I know I can keep this pace and have something at the end. Leaving it all on this track today. Half way through, fail.

Everything quit. Lungs quit, ankle (which never hurt) legs, just stopped. I had to walk 400m in. It was pathetic. I don't know if it was the rain, wind, stress from work, that I hadn't eaten, what. It was sad. I sulked home in a slow walk and slept restlessly. It doesn't matter the excuse I didn't get done what I wanted to. Had to redeem myself.

This morning I was up at the crack of dawn. I needed to run still. So I ran two "laps" with a walk break. Good pace, no clock to time me. Still raining and it felt good.

Beautiful to see the sun come up as I run. The trees are fantastic. The second lap of course I am looking in myself, thinking, reflecting, pushing. Finding a spot where I am focuing on my thoughts and not my legs. My legs know how to work.

Still feel like that was making up for yesterday and I need to run tonight. Probably won't since I am busy. Probably for the best, can't push too much.

Now I am going to do some push ups, because I should.

Mile time: N/A
Hurts: legs, ankles(?), mind

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Well, who knew?

Ran three "blocks" laps I use. It is about 550m around my block if google maps walking directions are to be believed. I run a block walk a block, about 7 minutes of rest between.

First lap: 2:23 About a minute faster than I expected. I didn't push too much I wasn't burnt out tired because I planned on three. Felt good.

Second lap: 2:35 Wow, second lap I was struggling a little

Third lap: 2:40something I hit the wrong button and almost dialed someone, so I went back and it was around there)

I am pretty impressed with myself. That's about a 6:30 mile if i add them up. WAY better than I thought. And I felt great at the end. Well ok I was tired and sore but not dying I knew I would recover fast.

Stomach hurt a but not sure if it was muscles I don't use pushing myself a bit more or just not eating.

Mile time: N/a
Sore: calves, stomach thighs

Monday, October 19, 2009

Owww - part 1

Did a pushing run last night, "how far can I go" ran from my house down 72nd to Milwaukee (about half a mile) ave (told my wife Wisconsin Ave and was surprised how impressed she was before I realized I told her a street 2 miles away). It's all down hill. Did a rest and did a walk a block run a block on the way back. Uphill, which sucks as much as I remember.

On the plus side it was low 40s and windy with a drizzle and I felt pretty good. My throat and lungs didn't kill me as much as I expected.

Mile time: N/a
Sore: calves, ankles
tomorrow: sprints, or off. Haven't decided

Monday, October 5, 2009

huh that is ironic

The CAPACHA for me to start this blog was "quifitt' Odd, it had fit in it. Maybe it is a sign.