Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hey, ow, that hurts

This new speed thing hurts. I ran (closer to a sprint to be honest, ran nearly a quarter mile in about a minute) tonight and for hte first time since I ran track in High school my legs gave out before my breathing.

Usually when I run that slow pace it isn't my legs that stop me, they just kick into a sore, mechanical rhythm. Once I hit that I am not able to really speed up or slow down. Eventually though my lungs give out and I have to stop.

Today though it was my legs, jell-o feeling and sore I was actually wobbling. When I was done they were shaking. It was good to feel that again. Makes me feel like I am doing something other than wasting my time.

Bonus, running like that I could feel it in my stomach muscles and back.

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